
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Newsletter April 29th

Mrs. Hayden’s Weekly Newsletter

 Week of April 29-May 3rd, 2013

Day  of  the Week
PE or Music

                   Important Events

Computer & Switch

Mrs. Hayden will be gone half day (Track).
Wear purple for letter V (violet day)!


Mrs. Hayden will be gone half day (Track).
Library & iPads
(Bring Sunglasses for S day!)

Weekly Learning Targets

Language  Skills
Letter: Y & Z
Target Skills: Long and Short Vowel Sounds
Reading: Zoom! Zoom! Zoom! I’m Off to the Moon! Franklin Plays the Game + Little/Leveled Readers
Poem: The Zebra, The YAK
Handwriting: Journaling
Sight Words: Fry Words Unit 7 (some, her, would, make, like, him, into, time, has, look)

Math Skills
Calendar Focus: Counting by 2’s on odd and even numbers

Math Skills: Subtraction all this week and next week!
Other Learning Skills
Respect:         Raise your hand to speak!

*   Reading Eggs: Please encourage your child to complete 2 reading eggs lesson a week!

*   This week we will be doing activities with the letters Z & Y, next week will be letter U and then we are moving onto blends!

*   Don’t forget to send back your monthly reading minutes!

*   We can keep the snow pants at home, but please send boots! The playground will and is muddy! Hats are a good thing incase it’s windy!

*   I’m looking for parents to volunteer to read on May 6th. Our letter is “r” and the topic will be read aloud day!

* Upcoming Events
§  April 30th: Mrs. Hayden gone half day for Track
§  May 1st: Mrs. Hayden gone half day for Track.
§  May 24th: Kindergarten Graduation
§  May 27th: No School for Memorial Day
§  May 30th: Last Day of School

Becky Hayden
463-6456 ßNew Blog Address